Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Casting Call

I have a feeling that Tobias Fünke would respond to this blog based upon it's title. I may be drawing in would be actors but then they will begin reading and be a little sad about the actual topic of my blog today. I am venting about a little something that probably is getting old among my friends and family. Alas, it is growing to be quite the annoyance for me with every passing day and I apologize for the all of the status updates, tweets, and random outbursts that I have been making about this monstrosity on the end of my leg. It is easier for me to communicate how I feel by writing rather than actually talking. This may sound strange to people who have heard me speak for hours and hours and then found themselves wondering if I would ever stop. Regardless of how I deliver the news, the message should be clear, this cast has got to go.

I think that it is time, but my doctor has other plans for my leg. The fateful day that I will be cut free from this burden is Monday, December 28th. Although it will be a hollow victory as I will immediately go into cast number three of three. The first in my series of casts was with me only a short time but it offered the comfort of ice cold water cycling through it whenever I wanted. It was soothing and wonderful although did keep me confined to my basement, so it was not the most practical of devices.

My current cast, the second one I have been placed into, was slated to be of the non-weight bearing variety. Luckily, on the day of my surgery when poking around in my ankle it was discovered that somehow, despite all of the damage my ankle joint and soft tissue over the last year, my tendon was not torn anymore! It was now only inflamed. Huzzah! My body actually did something right and healed an injury. I now was allowed to have a weight bearing cast. This change in plans cut out three of the four weeks of crutches and is allowing me to walk. I should probably be happy about it, and as I am writing this blog it is making me feel a little better about my baby blue fiber glass beauty. Only a little though, it is still really annoying not being able to take myself places or stand up in the shower. Yesterday marked the halfway point for the entire cast process. I look forward to the third and final cast.

My final device is a boot cast that is removable. I can take it off to sleep, drive and shower! Oh sweet freedom you are so close and yet so far. I long for this phase of the healing process. I desire to be in control of the where and of the when I travel around this fantastic city. If you don't think your hometown is that interesting, try not going anywhere for a couple months except to work and your couch/bed and you will learn that pretty much everywhere else is like an exotic wonderland. I wish I could sleep without bruising my other leg or accidentally getting pulled of the bed by the weight that has been added to my right leg. Sleep is not something I get enough of even at the best of times. Throw any additional kinks into the mix and I am left with a maybe a couple of hours each night. I want to be able to stand in the shower and finish in less than 25 minutes. If I am feeling saucy, maybe even take a bath. Using a shower bench and propping my leg up on a bar stool outside of the shower is a great way to really remind myself just how awkward this cast makes me. I am given this reminder everyday when I take my extremely slow shower and my foot falls off the stool and then water gets all over the bathroom floor because the curtain can not close all the way. For a fairly low maintenance girl, who normally can get ready in 30 minutes or less, this time frame for a shower is very frustrating.

Overall, cast number two is "nawesome". I look forward to becoming a bootlegger in a couple weeks. I know that eventually my leg will be free from all things cast related but that day seems too far away to think about and will also bring with it the pain of physical therapy. For now, I am just longing to drive my car, sleep and shower. Well, this has been the best lunch break of all time. Yet another little thing I miss, lunches out of the office. Two weeks to go, I think I can handle it and I am feeling a little better now. Onward to the rest of the day!

Oh everyone send my friend Esther a care bear stare full of good luck wishes.

She is taking her last final for her first semester of law school tomorrow. Tonight I am attempting to inspire her with a little film she has never seen before.

I wanted to say thank you to all of my friends and family for putting up with me and my whining, I promise that I will do my best to listen to and help you if this ever happens to you! Thank you to Mr. Bones for all of the rides, hanging out with me, and putting up my Christmas tree. Thank you to Sarah for taking me out to see New Moon aka Full Moon. Thank you to Jen for the yummy muffins, all of the lunch and coffee runs, and making me not worry about the office burning down in my absence. Thank you to Jan & Chris for hanging out with me and preparing me food while I was stuck on the couch. Thank you to my Aunt Kelli for bringing me a home cooked Thanksgiving dinner since I was unable to go to my grandma's house thins year. Thank you to Orion, Lizbon, Clayton, Esther, Amy, Kyle, Larry, and my Mom for keeping me company and distracting me from the pain while I was stuck at home after surgery. Thank you to everyone who called and emailed to check on me. It is nice to know that so many people care. I love you all.

Also, Brento if you read this I will do my best to help you not feel so trapped and frustrated by this whole process when it is your turn to have almost the exact same procedure and recovery in a month or so. All the tricks and devices I have discovered have been noted and are ready for you to use. Thank you
so much for taking such good care of me! I love you.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ninja Monkey vs Exploding Glass

I started my quest to have completely unique jewelry creations today by taking my very first warm glass class at Glass Axis. It was great, I really enjoyed the class. The torch was a little intimidating but fire is always fun so I quickly got over it and started playing with the glass.

The instructor shows us the first bead demo and gives us pretty simple instructions to follow. We all move back to our own stations and begin. I make a gigantic bead which I think looks alright. I go to add dots to it and it explodes. Well, I guess that can happen. I move on to round two. I work up a pretty good sized bead that looks really nice. It is deep blue and tear drop shaped. The instructor tells me I need to heat it up so I can add the detail and again it explodes. I decided maybe I should not be attempting such lofty goals on my first day and shoot for just creating some good old fashioned beads.

I ended up with eight beads total, I worked out how to make some cool shapes. I also figured out how you can use different temperatures change with the coloring of some glass. I ended up making one bead that looks like gray flourite so that was pretty cool. I have a long way to go before I will feel comfortable using of my handmade beads in pieces for sale in my store but I am really excited to learn and practice!

The instructor gave me the bead that he made during the first demo, one day I think I will be able to make one that won't explode and shoot glass shards all over the studio. Until then...this ninja monkey is going to be playing with way more fire.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ninja Monkey vs. Busy Times

I am sorry to my poor blog and to my friends who keep yelling at me to blog. Illness, cute new family members, work, drifting between residences, job changes, house hunting with my boyfriend and wedding planning for my best friend have been occupying all of my time. I will get more of the good old fashioned Ninja Monkey humor rolling again soon.

My desk will be set up again soon with my own computer and everything so watch out Internet cause this ninja's about to go crazy on you. You won't even know what happened, don't believe me? Ask Orion...one day you will be relaxing in front of the television or hanging out with a good book and then you will be all like hey what was that? By the time you feel the throwing stars in your back or the punch to the top of the head it will be much to late. You will have been ninja owned, ninja owned indeed my friend. As one of my favorite ninjas, Robin of Loxley, would say Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaa! You love me, no really you do.

Now to go get my coffee on! Ninjas are useless without caffeine.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ninja Monkey vs. Alzheimer's

Please help me to raise money for the Alzheimer's Foundation. I will be participating in the 2009 Memory Walk. There is no minimum donation, give what you can and help me raise money for a great cause!

Go to this address:

Participant Name: Brandi Eckelberry

If you are interested in walking or joining our team let me know and I will send you the information.

Thank you for your support!

:) Brandi

Monday, June 8, 2009

Ninja Monkey vs. Funny Doctors

I have managed to injure myself again. While walking last Thursday I managed to tear a few ligaments and stretch my nerves in my right foot/ankle. Immediately after this happened my foot went numb and felt like it was chilling in a bucket of ice. I went to the ER where I met a nice older doctor who decided that my foot was too weird to diagnose and sent me home with crutches and said go see your foot specialist as soon as possible.

I saw my foot specialist this morning. He helped me with a previous injury to my FHL tendon. If anything is ever wrong with my foot I will only see him. I was bounced from specialist to specialist a few years ago and no one could figure out what was causing all of the pain I was experiencing. Within minutes he diagnosed my problem and worked with me to eventually fix my FHL tendon. I did have to cut the other doctors some slack though, since the injury I somehow developed is only seen in ballerinas and I am no ballerina. I promise.

My foot doctor checked me out today and said no more crutches but put me in a very sexy boot that I must wear for an undetermined amount of time. I wish that it was more of a cowboy boot but c'est la vie.
I was thinking about a few of the things that doctors have been saying to me lately and decided to jot them down.

"Your foot looks weird"

"Your foot is puzzling"

"In 31 years I have never seen or heard of that injury before"

and my favorite from today's appointment...

"Your foot is a wonderful mystery to me"

I guess that if anything I keep these guys on their toes. I just wish I did not leave every doctor visit lately feeling like no one knows what is wrong or what to do with me. My ear nose and throat doctor said "you are the exception to the rule I'm afraid" a few weeks ago after trying to treat my migraines and failing miserably and I am still waiting to see the next specialist for that problem.

My foot man said today that he is writing down that I have a severe sprain and nerve damage but said that it was a cop out because that is probably not what is going on in my foot but he needs more information before he can try to figure it out.

I guess I will keep on trucking and hope that they get me sorted out. I hope to one day go for at least one whole week without seeing a doctor. It would also be nice to get a diagnosis from a single physician. I am tired of being bounced from specialist to specialist.

Good night gentle readers. I am off to my bedroom.

Please send me your favorite books and movies to keep me occupied at night when I am stuck in bed with my foot up for the next couple weeks. Tonight I plan on watching one of these...

I have not decided which one yet. I will also be working on some song writing, they might be a bit rough since I am stuck in bed and on pain meds but maybe, just maybe, I will produce some musical gold.

With great boredom comes a great amount of blogging...stay tuned :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ninja Monkey vs School

So after many, many, many, years I have finally decided what i want to be when I grow up or at least what I want to study.

A little over ten years ago I started up at Capital University with a double major in Music Education and Performance. After a couple quarters, passing out randomly, being verbally abused by certain teachers, and dropping to an all time low weight of 90 pounds I decided that this was not the program for me. I transferred to Ohio State to study Archaeology.

Overall, things greatly improved. I gained back all the weight, stopped passing out I lost which my doctor blames on stress and I was enjoying my classes. I missed the smaller sized classes at Capital. I enjoyed the large campus and student population of OSU, at Capital it seemed like I was still in high school. One of my professors even called my mom once because I missed class. It was funny though because I was having a 8 hour blood sugar test done which I informed all of my teachers of beforehand and brought home assignments from some of them to work on while I was off campus. I guess he did not believe me. Things were going alright until I was so sick with sinus infections that I could not leave a dark, quite room without suffering terrible migraines. My doctor decided to put me on some narcotics, steroids and antibiotics for about a year. This made me feel absolutely awful and I had to take a leave of absence from school.

After all of that calmed down and started up again, and calmed down and flared up, I had sinus surgery. Somehow all of these medical bills piled up and those pesky student loan deferment periods ended and suddenly I had a small fortune to pay back, and was forced to go to work full time and keep school on hold. Ten years later I realized how much I regretted putting school on hold for so long. I have also decided that I would like to start a whole new avenue of learning.

I was browsing the course offerings of some of my area colleges and found ironically that Capital's Conservatory of Music has what I am looking for, a BA in Music Technology! I am excited to get this rolling. Wish me luck in my new endeavor!

Friday, May 1, 2009

And the Winner Is....

Meredith B is our lucky ducky. Her favorite item was Purple Cowgirl!

Congrats Meredith! Hopefully, Meredith will send me some photos modeling her See Monkey Bead jewelry so I can post them for everyone to see! You can also check out Meredith's blog at http://allofmypurplelife.blogspot.com

Thank you to everyone for participating and for the birthday wishes!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ninja Monkey vs Birthday GIVE AWAY

In honor of my birthday tomorrow, I will be giving away one piece of jewelry (up to $25.00) from my Etsy shop.

Here are the rules:

You must visit my shop and then come back to my blog and leave a comment on this post with the name of your favorite item by midnight EST on my birthday (April 30th) . I will choose the winner on Friday May 1st by using a random number generator. I will post the lucky ducky Friday evening.

Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday Ninja Monkey, Happy birthday to me!

Now for a birthday mojito...yum yum Y-U-M!!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Rose

Esther commissioned me to create some jewelry for Rose's birthday. Check it out and let me know what you think.

I think she likes them!

If you are interested in placing a custom order go to www.seemonkeybead.etsy.com and click on request custom item.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ninja Monkey vs. Crazy People

Lately it seems like people are becoming more and more hostile. During the last month I have personally been screamed at and flipped off by strangers more times than the rest of my life combined. I find myself wondering if a small dose of the rage virus has been slipped into the water supply of central Ohio. It starts out with people being horrible to complete strangers for no reason and pretty soon we are going to be overrun with zombies!

So here are some Ninja Monkey tips for preventing rage infection:

-Stop and think before you scream at someone, if you do not master your rage then your rage will be your master. The terribly mysterious Sphinx gave me that advice.

-Take a deep breath and realize that you are most likely angry at something else and not the current situation. Maybe work is not going so great, or you lost your dog or your favorite team is not preforming or your grandma was turned into a zombie. All of these things are unfortunate but they do not give you license to be a jerk.

-Find more useful things to do with your middle finger. You could use it to greet people like Mork from Ork, or throw a peace sign or even to put on a neighborhood shadow puppet show.

If you encounter someone who is acting crazy and trying to make you as angry as they are, just ignore it and keep a close eye on them. If they turn there is only one solution....


C'mon people now smile on your brother everybody get together try to love one another right now!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ninja Monkey vs Astrological Pets

Liz's newest post on Breathe It All In has inspired me to post about what pets I think are right for me. According to this article I am best suited by a Pomeranian. All I can think when I imagine this type of dog is a tiny yip yip machine that will most likely be grumpy and nip at people and all that hair....no thanks!

This Taurus has already decided what pets she will be adopting in the future. I am a dog person, there is no doubt there. Dogs are great, silly, loyal, and always entertaining. Even when they are being total beasts!

My first pup will be a whippet named after this guy...

Salacious B Crumb was Jabba the Hutt's court jester and I thought he was funny when I was a kid watching the Star Wars movies. Whippets remind of Crumby, but much more cute.

I am also looking to get a cute weimaraner named after one of my favorite Lord of the Rings characters, Gandalf the Gray.

Yes, I am a huge, huge nerd and my pets will have the greatest names of all time!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Esty Shop

Hey Everyone!

After 10 years of making jewelry for fun and selling here and there, I have decided to start up an Etsy online store featuring some of my favorite creations.


Check it out! I will be uploading new products so stop by often.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ninja Monkey vs Cute Kids

I am probably biased but I think that my sisters have made some pretty cute kidlets(my word for cute kid types) Lately, I have been hearing some really funny stories about my nephew, Atticus Finch, and his brother, Harper Lee, and their cousin, Celeste. Yes, my little sister really likes To Kill A Mockingbird.

Last week my mom was driving around town with the kids when Atticus said something mean to Celeste. After overhearing that he hurt Celeste's feelings grandma stepped in and told him to kiss and make up. Atticus leans over, gives Celeste a kiss, and then says "I'm sorry Celeste, and I will put on your make-up later"

A few days later they are out driving with my aunt, Kelli, and one of her grand kids, Corbin, who had a cold. He sneezed and Atticus says "Uh Kelli, you should do something, its disgusting back here." She laughs and wipes the nose of her grandchild. Then Atticus declares "Its OK though, because it is our disgusting" So I guess blood is thicker than snot in the eyes of my nephew.

Over the weekend my mom who the kids call Nanu (as in Mork's greeting) took all Celeste, Atticus and Harper all to see their great-grandma. They were there for a while visiting when my older sister, January, came to pick up Celeste. She walked in and said hello to everyone and gave Atticus a hug. Atticus stared at her and slowly backed away to my mom and whispered "Nanu, who is that?" My mom laughed and told him it was his Aunt Jan. He didn't recognize her because she was wearing her glasses.

My friend Melissa has two sons, Bryan and Lucas. After not seeing me for a while, Bryan asked his mom who I was. She said that's your Aunt Brandi. To which he replied "Oh yeah! I thought I recognized those freckles!" I laughed for like ten minutes.

I have come to the conclusion that kids are hilarious!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ninja Monkey vs Travel Plans

Ninja Monkey looks at long long list of travel goals and sighs...

I do think I have traveled more that a lot of people and it seems that I am still not satisfied. I did check off a few of my must visit places last fall when I went to France, England, Ireland and Scotland. I've done Canada and Mexico and various spots around the US of A but I still have many many places left that I want to visit.

-New Zealand
-Easter Island

Really I would like to go everywhere I possibly can. I also have this problem of wanting to keep going back to certain places. I fell in love with Chicago when I was 16 and have been there many, many times and plan to keep going back as much as possible. San Francisco has also captured my heart and I long to go back and explore more of California. I really like NYC, there is always something new to see and do. I also go to Carolina in my mind a few times a week. One day I would like to move down to the Raleigh area.

This summer I have plans to visit Seattle and do a road trip through PA, NY and Maine. Stopping in a few various places to visit friends and catch some shows. I do not anticipate getting out of the country this year since I am still paying for my trip to Europe last year. C'est la vie.

I will make my way around the world spreading the great ninja monkey spirit.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Smoking Typewriter Award

Momma Bear gave me the Smoking Typewriter Award...Thanks Beth!

So to truly claim my award I must follow the rules of the Smoking Typewriter...
Google your name and then post a few of the more interesting or amusing things that pop up. So lets see what ye olde Google has in store for me!

Brandi You're A Fine Girl video by Looking Glass the funny thing is the song is actually spelled Brandy. I personally think that Brandi is a much better way to spell what is probably the greatest name of all time, but I might be biased. Also, I never knew that there was a Brandy song until I was around 20. I never understood why people would randomly say things to me like "What a good wife you would be" or "You're a fine girl". I always just thought that people were weird and creepy. Once I was at a county fair and a dude on stage asked me my name and he started singing those same words. I was like man why does everyone always say these weird things to me. When I did finally hear the song I thought ahh, people were trying to be funny not creepy, silly Brandi!

Brandi Jackson a professional golfer who from the looks of things enjoys golfing in sundresses. Hopefully its not too windy when she hits up the links.

Brandi Carlile a singer/songwriter from Washington who does rock/folk/pop/country. I think she wins the "Slashy" award.

A Cat Lady Blog by a woman named Brandi who is writing from the perspective of her cat. Enough said...

A cakemaker with a really cute website who is named Brandi and makes sugar free desserts! I think she should be my new friend! :)

Well I guess that is probably enough Brandi information picked up from the internet machine. I hope you have enjoyed these random Brandis.

I would like to give Orion and Cara the Smoking Typewriter Award! I look forward to hearing more from you guys :)

Oh I am in the process of setting up an etsy shop. I will keep you posted with the status. For now here is my latest creation. I call it the Foxy Lady. Let me know what you think!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Ninja Monkey vs. Bass Shopping

This lil monkey has a dream....E-I-E-I-O!

And in this dream I have a band....E-I-E-I-O!

And in this band I rock out on an awesome bass....

The one snag is that I have to save up for this new rockin bass. While I will always love my upright bass and the beautiful sound she makes, I am not able to haul old Georgie around very easily anymore. My rotator cuff surgery and the smallness of my car are both working against me. The new bass fund is at about 40% I am hoping that my birthday in April will put me over the top. I am yearning for this sexy little Ibanez beauty.
I happened to meet a cool dude that runs the Colonial Music in Worthingon that is going to give me a break on the price. When he was ringing up my purchase he gave me the pro musician *wink wink* discount on my new bass rosin. I looked up and noticed an Ibanez Artcore guitar hanging on the wall behind the counter. I asked if they also carried the basses from that line, since I have been eying them for a few months in various on-line stores. He said they do not stock them but can get any bass my heart desires. Then he told me print out the lowest price I can find online and he will beat it. He also said that if I purchase my new bass from his store that he would string it, tune it and give me a discount on the case. I told him that I would be back in a couple months once I had saved up a little more dough.

I highly recommend shopping in the smaller locally owned businesses around town. The customer service and knowledge is excellent and they really value your business. I ran in to buy a $15 chunk of bass rosin but thanks to his quality of service I will be back in April to buy my new bass, some super slinky strings, a case, and a new amp.

Stay tuned for awesome tunes by Monkey & Pig! We will rock your socks....uh...on (we have really cold feet).
Oh yeah I also noticed these composer action figures while browsing the music store and I plan on collecting them all!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ninja Monkey vs Hot Coffee

Wake up feeling kind of sleepy but get out of bed and get ready. Put on your favorite mango body butter. Go down to the laundry room and get the biggest, warmest pair of socks you can find. Grab the sweater that will keep you warm and cozy all day in your cold office. Realize you forgot to program your coffee maker to brew your morning coffee. Look at your shoe options, you select running shoes for maximum comfort. It hasn't been snowing that much you don't need to bust out the waterproof boots.

Get in your car and rock out to some Lonely Island. Sit in traffic for 45 minutes annoyed and expecting to see a huge wreck or something. Eventually you realize that nothing is happening to cause the slow down, people are just opting not to drive their cars. Ignore the annoying commute and go get yourself a huge americano made just the way you like it. Get to work and step out of your car. While reaching for your laptop you drop your enormous coffee and it dumps all over you and the inside of your car. Decide the day can't get worse. You realize that you don't have to come back out to your car for that giant box of supplies now that you aren't carrying a coffee. Grab the box and head inside the building.

Walk in the lower level and wait for the elevator. It never comes. The elevator is out of order so you must carry your soggy self, the giant box of stuff, and your laptop up to your office on the top floor. Realize that the waterproof shoes would have been a better choice for today as the coffee creeps down through your warm socks to your feet. Shiver as you take of your cozy sweater because the sleeves are soaked with coffee. Sit down and start working and planning your day when you realize that your purse has also been filled with coffee. Your wallet, camera, passport and all the random things inside have been soaked in coffee. You think this is awesome and start drying and cleaning each item. You realize your phone is not in your purse, you are happy it isn't ruined by the coffee nightmare but sad because now you are without your phone for the day. Take a deep breath and think coffee and mango is not the best combination of smells.

Realize that you are lucky because the day can only get better.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Ninja Moneky vs Sinus Infections

I saw my ENT doctor today who has been treating me off and on for ear nose and throat issues for the last five years. He saw me a couple weeks ago and looked in my nose and said well it looks pretty open and clear but you say there are signs of infection so lets try an antibiotic and get a CT scan so I can see the actual sinuses. I was forced to delay my follow up appointment by almost two weeks because of the snow storm. I finished my most recent course of antibiotics (I have been on several over the last seven months) and went in for my scan.

I sat in the room waiting and my doctor comes in to see me and says "well have the symptoms changed at all after the antibiotics?" I say, well some have improved but overall I still feel like I have a lot of congestion and an infection. We walk over to his office to view the CD that contains my scans and he tells me how excited he is to see what is on the disk. Whenever he sees me he says things like "oh this is interesting" or "I am excited to see this" or "wow that is intriguing". I would prefer to be less interesting as a patient but that is just not how I roll.

We sit down and he starts showing my the images of the inside of my head. Then he looks at it and says "Yes there is an infection. You were right, look at that". My right lower sinus cavity is full of infected tissue. I begin thinking about what happened the last time my sinuses were constantly infected. I remembered the various failed attempts to treat me. They tried allergy tests and medicines, pumping me full of antibiotics and the famous 6 month steroid treatment (none of these were the decision of my current ENT) I decided to see him after 23 years of being misdiagnosed and mistreated by my other doctors and after extensive research on the ENT doctors in my area. He tried a few more treatments but the state of my sinuses really only left one option. I had to have three sinus procedures preformed. Once I recovered from the surgery I had no recurrence for almost four years.

I asked what we were going to do this time. For now, we are trying a back to back course of antibiotics and steroids for the next six weeks. I also got a new gadget, Sinus Rinse. I get to use this bad boy twice a day for the rest of my life. We shall see how it all shakes out, I am hoping that I do not require another surgery. I would also like to avoid the over treatment approach that some of my past doctors have taken. There was a two year period when I was 19-20 that I was so sick that I could not get out of bed most of the time. I had to quit school, work, and having a social life. It was the absolute worst time of my life and I will do anything to keep it from happening again.

So for now I am hopeful that my doctor will help me and keep my wacky sinuses under control. I trust him to make the right decisions regarding my sinus care.

If anyone has any sinus tips please send them my way.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ninja Monkey vs Snow Day

So I am stuck at home alone today due to some ice and snow. By some I mean about an inch of ice and many inches of snow. I have also been pretty sick for a couple weeks. What is a bored and sick girl to do? I was inspired by some of my friends to start a blog. So here it is... My first blog. I know you are excited.

I am not really sure how this all works, so for now I say hi! I am Ninja Monkey I fight many battles, and I will keep you posted on my various opponents and the outcomes good or bad.

Today's opponent: The dreaded Snow Day. I remember the good old days when Ninja Monkey loved spending time with Snow Day. Missing school, sled riding, playing all day, drinking hot cocoa, then playing some more. Sadly, both Ninja Monkey and Snow Day have grown up. Snow Day is now just another challenger for Ninja Monkey to face in life's battle.

Round One

Snow Day starts out a little slow by creating just enough sound to be annoying but not quite enough to prevent Ninja Monkey from sleeping. Ninja Monkey looks like she will be well rested and ready for the day. Oh no! Snow Day has made an impressive combo strike. Ninja Monkey's phone rings at 6am. Her CT scan has been canceled. This is a devastating blow for Ninja Monkey, she was depending on the CT scan to help with another fight. The fight against her sinuses. The cancellation of the first appointment led to the cancellation of her follow up visit and now the sinus fight will continue for at least another week. Ninja Monkey tries to get back to sleep but is unsuccessful. Ninja Monkey begins to get ready for work leaving her warm bed and cinnamon scented room and is definitely showing signs of fatigue. Snow Day strikes again! As soon and Ninja Monkey is ready for work, she receives a call saying the office is closed. Round One ends with Ninja Monkey looking pretty tired. She heads back to her corner and her crew tries to get her back into some warm PJs.

Round Two

Snow Day comes out strong in the second round. He is taking away Ninja Monkey's ability to get any work done while at home today. The usual means of working remotely have been blocked by a server error that can only be fixed on site. That was a nice move by Snow Day. Ninja Monkey makes a feeble attempt to try to work on a different system to try to get some other work done and BAM! Snow Day knocks that system offline too! Ninja Monkey uses all of her skill and creativity to make some progress, but Snow Day has knocked her down to the canvas. She is down for 1...2...and she is back on her feet as Round Two closes. Ninja Monkey's coaches set her up with a knit hat and a space heater, they are even pulling out some sugar free hot cocoa. Ninja Monkey looks like she is feeling a little better and is back on her feet and heading back out to fight.

Round Three

Ninja Monkey takes a critical hit! Snow Day throws a wild punch from which Ninja Monkey may not recover. Ninja Monkey is stuck alone in her house at least a day. Everyone Ninja Monkey knows is stuck in various places around the city and none of them can come help her in her battle. Ninja Monkey looks above her head and sees some creepy red letters floating there that read Finish Her... Uh oh, Ninja Monkey is about to be hit with Snow Day's signature Freeze Out finishing move. The Freeze Out is pretty cool to watch, Snow Day takes a bunch of snow flakes and turns them into an ice shuriken which is thrown at the opponent and freezes them from the inside out. Oh no Snow Day has turned Ninja Monkey into a solid block of ice. Fight over, Snow Day has won his victory.

Ninja Monkey stands there encased in ice watching the continue timer counting down and decides to save the rematch for another day.