Friday, March 6, 2009

Ninja Monkey vs. Bass Shopping

This lil monkey has a dream....E-I-E-I-O!

And in this dream I have a band....E-I-E-I-O!

And in this band I rock out on an awesome bass....

The one snag is that I have to save up for this new rockin bass. While I will always love my upright bass and the beautiful sound she makes, I am not able to haul old Georgie around very easily anymore. My rotator cuff surgery and the smallness of my car are both working against me. The new bass fund is at about 40% I am hoping that my birthday in April will put me over the top. I am yearning for this sexy little Ibanez beauty.
I happened to meet a cool dude that runs the Colonial Music in Worthingon that is going to give me a break on the price. When he was ringing up my purchase he gave me the pro musician *wink wink* discount on my new bass rosin. I looked up and noticed an Ibanez Artcore guitar hanging on the wall behind the counter. I asked if they also carried the basses from that line, since I have been eying them for a few months in various on-line stores. He said they do not stock them but can get any bass my heart desires. Then he told me print out the lowest price I can find online and he will beat it. He also said that if I purchase my new bass from his store that he would string it, tune it and give me a discount on the case. I told him that I would be back in a couple months once I had saved up a little more dough.

I highly recommend shopping in the smaller locally owned businesses around town. The customer service and knowledge is excellent and they really value your business. I ran in to buy a $15 chunk of bass rosin but thanks to his quality of service I will be back in April to buy my new bass, some super slinky strings, a case, and a new amp.

Stay tuned for awesome tunes by Monkey & Pig! We will rock your socks....uh...on (we have really cold feet).
Oh yeah I also noticed these composer action figures while browsing the music store and I plan on collecting them all!!!

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