Thursday, March 12, 2009

Smoking Typewriter Award

Momma Bear gave me the Smoking Typewriter Award...Thanks Beth!

So to truly claim my award I must follow the rules of the Smoking Typewriter...
Google your name and then post a few of the more interesting or amusing things that pop up. So lets see what ye olde Google has in store for me!

Brandi You're A Fine Girl video by Looking Glass the funny thing is the song is actually spelled Brandy. I personally think that Brandi is a much better way to spell what is probably the greatest name of all time, but I might be biased. Also, I never knew that there was a Brandy song until I was around 20. I never understood why people would randomly say things to me like "What a good wife you would be" or "You're a fine girl". I always just thought that people were weird and creepy. Once I was at a county fair and a dude on stage asked me my name and he started singing those same words. I was like man why does everyone always say these weird things to me. When I did finally hear the song I thought ahh, people were trying to be funny not creepy, silly Brandi!

Brandi Jackson a professional golfer who from the looks of things enjoys golfing in sundresses. Hopefully its not too windy when she hits up the links.

Brandi Carlile a singer/songwriter from Washington who does rock/folk/pop/country. I think she wins the "Slashy" award.

A Cat Lady Blog by a woman named Brandi who is writing from the perspective of her cat. Enough said...

A cakemaker with a really cute website who is named Brandi and makes sugar free desserts! I think she should be my new friend! :)

Well I guess that is probably enough Brandi information picked up from the internet machine. I hope you have enjoyed these random Brandis.

I would like to give Orion and Cara the Smoking Typewriter Award! I look forward to hearing more from you guys :)

Oh I am in the process of setting up an etsy shop. I will keep you posted with the status. For now here is my latest creation. I call it the Foxy Lady. Let me know what you think!


  1. I think that makes a much better headcharm then a neckalace. Gypsy all the way baby!

  2. Fun! Thanks for the award! I love the jewelry. I'll get on that googling my name thing... Wonder what will show up. :) Let me know when you get your Etsy shop up I'd love to advertise it for you. :)
