I think that it is time, but my doctor has other plans for my leg. The fateful day that I will be cut free from this burden is Monday, December 28th. Although it will be a hollow victory as I will immediately go into cast number three of three. The first in my series of casts was with me only a short time but it offered the comfort of ice cold water cycling through it whenever I wanted. It was soothing and wonderful although did keep me confined to my basement, so it was not the most practical of devices.
My current cast, the second one I have been placed into, was slated to be of the non-weight bearing variety. Luckily, on the day of my surgery when poking around in my ankle it was discovered that somehow, despite all of the damage my ankle joint and soft tissue over the last year, my tendon was not torn anymore! It was now only inflamed. Huzzah! My body actually did something right and healed an injury. I now was allowed to have a weight bearing cast. This change in plans cut out three of the four weeks of crutches and is allowing me to walk. I should probably be happy about it, and as I am writing this blog it is making me feel a little better about my baby blue fiber glass beauty. Only a little though, it is still really annoying not being able to take myself places or stand up in the shower. Yesterday marked the halfway point for the entire cast process. I look forward to the third and final cast.
My final device is a boot cast that is removable. I can take it off to sleep, drive and shower! Oh sweet freedom you are so close and yet so far. I long for this phase of the healing process. I desire to be in control of the where and of the when I travel around this fantastic city. If you don't think your hometown is that interesting, try not going anywhere for a couple months except to work and your couch/bed and you will learn that pretty much everywhere else is like an exotic wonderland. I wish I could sleep without bruising my other leg or accidentally getting pulled of the bed by the weight that has been added to my right leg. Sleep is not something I get enough of even at the best of times. Throw any additional kinks into the mix and I am left with a maybe a couple of hours each night. I want to be able to stand in the shower and finish in less than 25 minutes. If I am feeling saucy, maybe even take a bath. Using a shower bench and propping my leg up on a bar stool outside of the shower is a great way to really remind myself just how awkward this cast makes me. I am given this reminder everyday when I take my extremely slow shower and my foot falls off the stool and then water gets all over the bathroom floor because the curtain can not close all the way. For a fairly low maintenance girl, who normally can get ready in 30 minutes or less, this time frame for a shower is very frustrating.
Overall, cast number two is "nawesome". I look forward to becoming a bootlegger in a couple weeks. I know that eventually my leg will be free from all things cast related but that day seems too far away to think about and will also bring with it the pain of physical therapy. For now, I am just longing to drive my car, sleep and shower. Well, this has been the best lunch break of all time. Yet another little thing I miss, lunches out of the office. Two weeks to go, I think I can handle it and I am feeling a little better now. Onward to the rest of the day!
Oh everyone send my friend Esther a care bear stare full of good luck wishes.
She is taking her last final for her first semester of law school tomorrow. Tonight I am attempting to inspire her with a little film she has never seen before.

I wanted to say thank you to all of my friends and family for putting up with me and my whining, I promise that I will do my best to listen to and help you if this ever happens to you! Thank you to Mr. Bones for all of the rides, hanging out with me, and putting up my Christmas tree. Thank you to Sarah for taking me out to see New Moon aka Full Moon. Thank you to Jen for the yummy muffins, all of the lunch and coffee runs, and making me not worry about the office burning down in my absence. Thank you to Jan & Chris for hanging out with me and preparing me food while I was stuck on the couch. Thank you to my Aunt Kelli for bringing me a home cooked Thanksgiving dinner since I was unable to go to my grandma's house thins year. Thank you to Orion, Lizbon, Clayton, Esther, Amy, Kyle, Larry, and my Mom for keeping me company and distracting me from the pain while I was stuck at home after surgery. Thank you to everyone who called and emailed to check on me. It is nice to know that so many people care. I love you all.
Also, Brento if you read this I will do my best to help you not feel so trapped and frustrated by this whole process when it is your turn to have almost the exact same procedure and recovery in a month or so. All the tricks and devices I have discovered have been noted and are ready for you to use. Thank you so much for taking such good care of me! I love you.