Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ninja Monkey vs School

So after many, many, many, years I have finally decided what i want to be when I grow up or at least what I want to study.

A little over ten years ago I started up at Capital University with a double major in Music Education and Performance. After a couple quarters, passing out randomly, being verbally abused by certain teachers, and dropping to an all time low weight of 90 pounds I decided that this was not the program for me. I transferred to Ohio State to study Archaeology.

Overall, things greatly improved. I gained back all the weight, stopped passing out I lost which my doctor blames on stress and I was enjoying my classes. I missed the smaller sized classes at Capital. I enjoyed the large campus and student population of OSU, at Capital it seemed like I was still in high school. One of my professors even called my mom once because I missed class. It was funny though because I was having a 8 hour blood sugar test done which I informed all of my teachers of beforehand and brought home assignments from some of them to work on while I was off campus. I guess he did not believe me. Things were going alright until I was so sick with sinus infections that I could not leave a dark, quite room without suffering terrible migraines. My doctor decided to put me on some narcotics, steroids and antibiotics for about a year. This made me feel absolutely awful and I had to take a leave of absence from school.

After all of that calmed down and started up again, and calmed down and flared up, I had sinus surgery. Somehow all of these medical bills piled up and those pesky student loan deferment periods ended and suddenly I had a small fortune to pay back, and was forced to go to work full time and keep school on hold. Ten years later I realized how much I regretted putting school on hold for so long. I have also decided that I would like to start a whole new avenue of learning.

I was browsing the course offerings of some of my area colleges and found ironically that Capital's Conservatory of Music has what I am looking for, a BA in Music Technology! I am excited to get this rolling. Wish me luck in my new endeavor!

Friday, May 1, 2009

And the Winner Is....

Meredith B is our lucky ducky. Her favorite item was Purple Cowgirl!

Congrats Meredith! Hopefully, Meredith will send me some photos modeling her See Monkey Bead jewelry so I can post them for everyone to see! You can also check out Meredith's blog at http://allofmypurplelife.blogspot.com

Thank you to everyone for participating and for the birthday wishes!