Monday, February 9, 2009

Ninja Moneky vs Sinus Infections

I saw my ENT doctor today who has been treating me off and on for ear nose and throat issues for the last five years. He saw me a couple weeks ago and looked in my nose and said well it looks pretty open and clear but you say there are signs of infection so lets try an antibiotic and get a CT scan so I can see the actual sinuses. I was forced to delay my follow up appointment by almost two weeks because of the snow storm. I finished my most recent course of antibiotics (I have been on several over the last seven months) and went in for my scan.

I sat in the room waiting and my doctor comes in to see me and says "well have the symptoms changed at all after the antibiotics?" I say, well some have improved but overall I still feel like I have a lot of congestion and an infection. We walk over to his office to view the CD that contains my scans and he tells me how excited he is to see what is on the disk. Whenever he sees me he says things like "oh this is interesting" or "I am excited to see this" or "wow that is intriguing". I would prefer to be less interesting as a patient but that is just not how I roll.

We sit down and he starts showing my the images of the inside of my head. Then he looks at it and says "Yes there is an infection. You were right, look at that". My right lower sinus cavity is full of infected tissue. I begin thinking about what happened the last time my sinuses were constantly infected. I remembered the various failed attempts to treat me. They tried allergy tests and medicines, pumping me full of antibiotics and the famous 6 month steroid treatment (none of these were the decision of my current ENT) I decided to see him after 23 years of being misdiagnosed and mistreated by my other doctors and after extensive research on the ENT doctors in my area. He tried a few more treatments but the state of my sinuses really only left one option. I had to have three sinus procedures preformed. Once I recovered from the surgery I had no recurrence for almost four years.

I asked what we were going to do this time. For now, we are trying a back to back course of antibiotics and steroids for the next six weeks. I also got a new gadget, Sinus Rinse. I get to use this bad boy twice a day for the rest of my life. We shall see how it all shakes out, I am hoping that I do not require another surgery. I would also like to avoid the over treatment approach that some of my past doctors have taken. There was a two year period when I was 19-20 that I was so sick that I could not get out of bed most of the time. I had to quit school, work, and having a social life. It was the absolute worst time of my life and I will do anything to keep it from happening again.

So for now I am hopeful that my doctor will help me and keep my wacky sinuses under control. I trust him to make the right decisions regarding my sinus care.

If anyone has any sinus tips please send them my way.


  1. i use sinus rinse, it is pretty good.

  2. I too use the sinus rinse, awkward, uncomfortable but you get used to it and then it's just worth it. That sucks Brandi, I'm sorry.And the beat goes on...

  3. I have started the rinse... it feels really weird like I have been swimming in the ocean. It also leaves me feeling really congested and makes my ears and eyes watery. I basically look like I've had a nervous breakdown for a few hours after I do it. I am wondering if this will get better or if I am always going to look and sound like I have been crying.
